My Chapter

When I conclude a chapter, I never return to it. It’s a closed case, no room for editing; no changing of moods. There is only one chapter of this book that remains an open case, though I have not switched the story, nor the wording, and the aura glows the same. But there may be nothing more to edit. Perhaps there is as unknown, newly written draft, and the story is not mine anymore. If this is so, I hope the colors are crisper, brighter than any other hue I could ever have the ability to describe. I do weep though at my falling short. I hope your new story makes you want to live through it. I am still trying to live through what I have. One day my chapter will flourish, and I could move onto the next one. I could say, “I’ll hope you may present yourself in the next,” but I won’t. I’m closing this chapter of my life for good, because you closed the book first. Parts were good. Parts weren’t. It taught me many things, which I am grateful for. Live in glorious light, stranger.

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